What to do after accepting a job offer?
Well done, you have been offered a job……now what next?
With January being a busy time for job offers we are asked more than ever by successful job seekers what to do after they have landed a job. Therefore, we have written a guide, using our experience of the process, to ensure that the transition from job offer to start date goes as smoothly as possible.
Firstly congratulations! You have suitably impressed and it is important at this stage that you continue to do so. It is still imperative that you enter into any post offer communications in a professional and timely way.
We recommend you keep your recruitment consultant (if you have secured your role through an agency) fully informed of contract negotiations or questions. It may be advisable to run through any queries you have with your consultant first as these questions may be easily answered avoiding any concerns or delays. Your recruitment consultants’ reputation is key at this point and a professional recruiter will want to ensure that you are making the right move and you are completely satisfied with your decision and offer. Use your recruiters’ expertise and advice.
If you haven’t used a recruiter then the same goes with regards to communicating with HR or the Hiring Manager at your new company, ensure you open dialogue as soon as possible.
Return all offer documentation, reference requests, proof of ID, ASAP. You should demonstrate to your prospective employer that you are keen and they have made the right choice with their offer. Ensure you check all written communications to avoid any errors. We also recommend following up with a telephone call to ensure safe receipt and to start building your new colleague relationships.
Prior to resigning from any role we advise you to ensure you are in receipt of a WRITTEN offer. This can be either via the post or via electronic mail.
We recommend you exercise both a verbal and written resignation. A written resignation letter handed to your line manager / appropriate staff member allows for you to focus and ensure your current employer is fully aware of your intentions. Keep your letter simple. A guide for inclusion is date, addressee, notice of termination of employment, effective dates and your name and signature.
Ensure you are clear on your notice period.
Make it clear verbally that you will assist with any handover. Try to be as co-operative as possible, appreciate that most employers do not want to lose employees and therefore you may be party to a disappointed or irritated response. You may also face a counter offer. It is important at this point to take a moment and remind yourself of the reasons why you were initially on the job market.
If you are presented with a counter offer then we recommend all candidates take a moment to consider the following:
- Is this offer going to be put in writing and is there a timescale for it to be implemented?
- Is this what you really want?
- What were your reasons for leaving and has anything changed?
- Will you have the same standing within the company?
- If offered an increase in salary how are the funds available and why weren’t you offered the rise previously?
- Will this increased offer now result in a decreased offer in the future?
- Do you want to work for a company who only values you when you are leaving?
- Will your relationship with your boss and colleagues be compromised now they are aware you were considering leaving?
- Will your commitment be questioned?
Remember – integrity is an excellent character trait!
Last but not least your quick 3 point checklist:
- Ensure you have communicated with your new employer, have all the paperwork in order and continue to demonstrate efficiency and enthusiasm.
- Leave your current employer with as much integrity as possible, ensuring your handover is helpful and positive.
- Enjoy the challenge that your new role will give you!
For more advice on successful job hunting view the Glen Callum Associates website and check out all of our blogs and industry news items here.
Article written by Kerrie Richards, Director, Glen Callum Associates.
Kerrie has successfully managed the Finance and Operations division within leading recruiters Glen Callum Associates for 23 years. As a Director she is well versed in the field of Recruitment and regularly advises the Glen Callum team, clients and candidates on HR and Recruitment issues. For further hints and tips on recruitment don’t hesitate to contact Kerrie or the rest of the Recruitment team on 01384 485274.