Looking for jobs in East Anglia? We have a number of positions within motor sport, engineering, automotive and industrial in the East Anglia region. If you are searching for a job in East Anglia check out our positions at
We have an impressive client base of market leading manufacturers and distributors and are dedicated in providing candidates with advice, support and assistance in their recruitment search. Our consultants have valuable senior sales, marketing and operational experience within organisations within the automotive and industrial industry, allowing us to share an empathy with both client and candidate alike.
We have:
Motor Sport Sales Coordinator in East Anglia Circa 25K
Motor Sport Engineering Production Manager in East Anglia Circa 30-40K
Motor Sport Components Warehouse Inventory Controller in East Anglia Circa 25K
Get in touch now on 01384 485274 or email your CV to Glen Callum Associates at jobs@glencallum.co.uk